Monday 27 November 2017

Evaluation for our film

Although I don’t believe our film was a huge success I do think it had elements about it which were good, for example the contrast between light and dark we did represent the contrast between life and death, and I believe this worked as we often romanticise life and we did that by making it appear more vibrant. Another good thing we did was how we used point of view shots to emphasise how these were memories, this worked as it allowed to the audience to see through the eyes of the main character and thus understand this was her story.

Despite this we did have problems, such as how we ran out of time to record clips for our film, so it wasn’t finished; if we were to improve this next time we would arrange our time better, so we could meet up outside of college to film more memory clips and get a better range of locations in our clips to make it appear as if It’s happening over a wider range of time. Another problem was how most of our clips were zoomed in meaning our film didn’t look how we wanted it to, to improve this next time we would spend more time learning about the editing software we used so we could find a way to prevent this 

Thursday 9 November 2017

Cinematic ideas

  • sound; individual soundtracks 
  • girl- sweet start- upbeat and preppy- tove lo - cool girl 
  • boyfriend - bad reputation 
  • bestfriend - intertwined with the girls song
  • transition in music -  much more sinister
  • extreme close up - show face of the person who is dying, blood form nose -  gore from horror.
  • cool tones and darkness - links to horror genre - feat of unknown
  • long shot - corridor's, park atmosphere, fear of unknown
  • handheld camera adds realism, which is good because the memories need to come across as real.
  • individual narrative, each tell their side of the story
  • lighting - low lighting whilst in the park to add a sinister effect, horror genre

synopsis for film we created

It starts off seeing the faces of the three characters, their faces show you they are clearly dying. This will be filmed with colder colours. we them see a series of flashbacks from each character intertwined, this creates a non linear plot and a fractured story. These flashbacks include anything from them as a child up until the point they are now. These will be filmed with warmer colours to make them seem much brighter and happier. Throughout this entire thing there will be a narration on top of everything about how we take life for granted. Halfway through these flashbacks one set of the flashbacks begin to get colder and more intense. We then see a chase happen through the eyes of the someone else, this starts to describe to the audience how they died. At the very end of the flashbacks, two of them show the killers face, when it is revealed one of the people who is dying killed them both. We then see a close up of their face as he closes his eyes and accepts death.